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2nd RGNUL Sports & Entertainment Law Mediation Competition, 2020
1st Edition - The Centre for Alternative Dispute Resolution (CADR) of Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab, in association with The Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution Team (PACT), organized a firstof-its-kind Mediation Competition from 12–14 April, 2019. The Winning Negotiating Team of Diyanshu Sinha and Adwitya Grover (RGNUL) went on to represent India in IMSG 2019 and secured the Gold Medal in the competition.​​
Each participating team shall consist of a Client-Counsel pair (i.e., the Negotiation Team) and one student as the Mediator. The registration form requires teams to specify the roles of each individual member. The roles which have been pre-assigned by the team will be carried forward throughout the competition. Change of roles after the registration will not be permitted.
The competition is open to full-time law students (5-year and 3-year course) registered in any university in India for the academic year 2021-2022.
Only students studying Law may participate in the competition.
The competition is not open to LLM students.
Each University may nominate up to 2 teams to participate in the competition. However, the second slot is subject to availability and number of provisional registrations received by the Centre.
Prelim 1 - Click here.
Prelim 2 - Click here.
Quarter-Finals - Click here.
Semi-Finals - Click here.​
Finals - Click here.
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